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Monday, May 26, 2008

Sweet Baby Girl

So tiny, so perfect. This little darling was a dream to photograph. She slept for almost the entire session and she only pee'd once (that is a record). I really enjoyed meeting Little miss Laura and her family.

Art for my bathroom

I took this photo specifically for my bathroom and I just love it! I printed it big and framed it in a nice silver frame. It now hangs in my powder room and it is the perfect fit! What better artwork than my own children?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Durham Parent newsmagazine article

I am so honoured to have been featured in a recent article in the Durham Parent newsmagazine. The topic of the article was 'Mompreneurs' and it featured Amy Simmons Photography as well as Ben & Haileys (an awesome children's boutique here in Whitby).
Congrats to Miss April for being chosen as the featured image. If you would like to read the full article you can find it here
Durham Parents Newsmagazine article

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My email hasn't been working

If you have tried to send me an email within the last week or two I may not have received it. I have fixed the problem and it is working again...hooray! So, if you sent me an email and did not hear back from me it is likely that I didn't receive it. Send me another one and I will be sure to get right back to you. Sorry about that! You can contact me through the contact page on my new website.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Long overdue...Ella Bella's 6 Month Session

At least I managed to do the session when she was 6 months but it has taken me a whole month to find the time to edit them and get some up on my blog. I had some fun with my little model and she was such a cooperative little angel. However, she would not have anything to do with my plexiglass (sitting on it, that is). She didn't mind laying face down on it but was petrified of sitting on it.

New website

I decided a while ago that it was time for a website update. I loved my old site but I was never happy with the small size of the photos. So I decided to get a new and improved site that would showcase all my beautiful clients larger. If you have a second hop on over and check it out...who knows, you may just recognize some of the children.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

12 days new!

Thank you so much for choosing me to capture your little miracle. He sure is a mighty-might. I don't think I have ever seen a 7 lb, 12 day old have so much strength. I am just amazed by this first one!